Father's Day Gratitude

Happy Father's Day One and All! Especially to those who have lost their father's, don't have a father figure, have lost a child, or one of the very human experiences many of us face. Certain holidays are a joy for some, while a sad reminder for others. Or a little of both. For me, it's always both. I want to focus on the happy memories. So for this Sunday, I am thankful for the many wonderful men in my life. 

My Dad: The first man I ever celebrated Father's Day with. He's is a gentle, loving soul who would do anything to help those he loves, be it road tripping to visit grandpa. He is meticulous and thoughtful, with a quick wit that makes me smile. My happiest memories are our various road trips where I can trap you in the car and talk for hours. That uninterrupted alone time is so precious to me. Love you Dad!

My Grampa Paulson: My Grampa Paulson was an amazing man. A Prisoner of War in WWII. A family man of 6 awesome (& rambunctious) kids who I proudly call my mom, aunts, and uncles. He accomplished so much, experienced some dark things in active duty, but you would never know that being around him. He was a warm hug on a summer day. I may have lost him when I was a teen, but he is always with me. Love you Grampa!

My Grandpa Berglund: My Grandpa Berglund is a quiet man, but he loves his family and he has been there for my Grandma through thick and thin. Marrying a Berglund is a big commitment. We all seem to be blessed with various ailments, but that unending, quiet patience is all we truly need in those moments. Thank you for being the rock Grandpa! Love you.

My Husband: Speaking of patience, my husband literally has vats of the stuff. He is a hardworking dad who gives all of himself to everyone he loves and meets. When I am in my darker head spaces, he is there to help me lighten up and laugh at myself. When I am ready to pick myself back up and crawl out of the darkness, he is there with a helping hand and encouragement. But he also calls me out on my shit. ALL. THE. TIME. And I need it. 

I truly see so much of you in Lucy, and it makes me so happy. Her fun loving nature. Her ambition and love of adventure. Her ability to adapt. And her big heart are all from you. We love you to the moon and back babe. 

My Brother (& Daughter's Godfather): My brother is the BEST Godfather and Uncle to my daughter. Truly everything I would ever wish for Lucy. He is the cool, fun loving uncle who enjoys exploring. He will help continue to stoke the passion to explore the unknown. I cannot wait to see what adventures Lucy and Uncle Mike will have in the future. 


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