
Showing posts from March, 2021

Cry It OUT

I’m going to be honest with you guys. I’ve REALLY been struggling the last few weeks. I was riding this high of self-discovery, doing yoga and meditating, when BOOM!! Life was like “You’re doing TOO well… it’s time to mix things up.” **Maniacal Laugh** High blood sugars from my steroid injections. Death in my husband's family. Anxiety. Difficult patients at work. COVID-19 Burnout. They ALL came to the party at the same time. All I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry, but I repressed that urge. Kept going about my days. Working. Mom-ing. I didn't have the time to fall apart.  Repressing it didn’t help. ( Let me put on my surprised face…) In hindsight, I should have thrown myself a pity party and cried it out. But I didn’t want to. Why? Why is crying considered a sign of weakness in our society? Why does it make people cower? Repulsed by the display of emotion? Vulnerability is not a trait venerated in our culture, at least not when I was growing up. I’ve always been wh

My Immune System Killed My Pancreas! 💀

You guys! I JUST realized March is Autoimmune Disease Awareness Month!   I’m not sure how I never came across this before, but I am glad I did. I am living with not one, not two, but three autoimmune diseases. As most of you know at this point, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 11, which is an autoimmune disorder. I have always been a huge advocate for diabetes awareness. Living with Type 1 Diabetes, (T1D) I get ALL of the ignorant comments from well meaning people:  “Did you get diabetes from eating too much sugar?” “Should you be eating THAT?!” **Looks me up and down** “You don’t LOOK diabetic” “Oh, you have to take insulin. Do you have the bad type of diabetes?” “Your blood sugar is high. What did you do wrong?” And that's just a few. To clear things up, T1D is an autoimmune disease where the immune system gets confused and attacks the pancreas, killing off the Beta Cells that produce insulin. Sugar did not trigger this. A certain weight or body type does not

Weekend Lows

I’ve noticed a trend in my glucose levels lately. I’m consistently going low, even with adjustments to the settings in my insulin pump. The weekends are especially bad. Friday after work through Sunday evening, even into Monday. Lows, on lows, on lows. I went low last weekend when my husband and I were in Jim Thorpe. A LOT. That one made a little more sense though, since we were walking much more than we usually (or at least I) do since I am at a desk mostly during the workweek.  (Juice for my Low at Dinner and my Post-Low Sushi) (Walking Around Jim Thorpe was GORGEOUS) This weekend I’m going low again. As I sit here typing this, munching on a fruit strip to stave off of another low, I am recounting the last 24 hours or so, to see what is different. What brings on the lows over the weekend? Being diabetic is kind of like being a medical detective. I am constantly analyzing trends, dosing, activity level, carbs. My brain at lunch is a whirlwind of my recent activity, carbs for the meal,

The Sinister Side Effects of Popular Diets: Keto & Low Carb

Low Carbohydrate & Ketogenic Diets Working as a Registered Dietitian over the last decade, I’ve seen many fad diets come and go. Atkins. Weight Watchers. You name it, I’ve seen it and in my days of disordered eating, I probably tried it. I was like a walking science experiment, with the nutrition knowledge to know why I shouldn’t be following said diet, but with the disordered eating brain running the show, logic went out the window. One diet that has been around in some form or another has been particularly concerning for me: low carbohydrate and ketogenic diets. They are just the new Atkins, wrapped up in a shiny bow. But updated marketing doesn’t change the science behind it all.  Carbohydrates provide a major source of energy to the brain and body. They are required for the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is needed for mood stability and promotes healthy sleep. Serotonin is also linked to feelings of well-being. Without an adequate source of carbohydrates, m

Eclectic Mom Musings Book Club

Good Morning Everyone! Happy Monday! How are we all doing?? I wanted to pop in quickly to let you all know I've decided to start a Book Club! I've truly enjoyed writing as a way to connect with those who need to hear it, and I plan to continue, but there are so many amazing books I've come across over the years and I would love to share them with other like minded people. No theme for the books! Each month can be something new. Eclectic, like my Blog 💀 I would love feedback and suggestions for books as well.  Here is the link for the Facebook Group The first book will be "The Body Is Not an Apology, Second Edition: The Power of Radical Self-Love" by by Sonya Renee Taylor.   There is a physical book, Kindle Edition, and an Audiobook through Audible. Options for every type of learner 💜 The Body Is Not An Apology Sonya Renee Taylor I'll post in the following weeks regarding the timeline, etc. I am hoping to start the first book in April.  If you think of a book

Food Fears

**Trigger Warning: Disordered Eating Discussion** March is National Nutrition Month (NNM) and last week, my birthday week ironically, was National Eating Disorders Awareness (NEDA) Week. In the past, I would have associated these events as just another part of my job. While working as a Registered Dietitian, I would often do fun events for my patients during NNM, such as cooking demos & giveaways. In stark contrast, NEDA Week would often come and go with very little acknowledgment from me, probably because it hit too close to home. This year is different. I want to really dig into the nitty gritty of my relationship with food & exercise. In doing so, I am hoping those who read this find some of their own struggles put into words. Putting a name to the demons helps you to fight back.  I’ve discussed my contentious relationship with food in previous posts, something that developed for several reasons. Having Type 1 Diabetes definitely sparked anxiety around food when I was younge