Weekend Lows

I’ve noticed a trend in my glucose levels lately. I’m consistently going low, even with adjustments to the settings in my insulin pump. The weekends are especially bad. Friday after work through Sunday evening, even into Monday. Lows, on lows, on lows. I went low last weekend when my husband and I were in Jim Thorpe. A LOT. That one made a little more sense though, since we were walking much more than we usually (or at least I) do since I am at a desk mostly during the workweek. 

(Juice for my Low at Dinner and my Post-Low Sushi)

(Walking Around Jim Thorpe was GORGEOUS)

This weekend I’m going low again. As I sit here typing this, munching on a fruit strip to stave off of another low, I am recounting the last 24 hours or so, to see what is different. What brings on the lows over the weekend? Being diabetic is kind of like being a medical detective. I am constantly analyzing trends, dosing, activity level, carbs. My brain at lunch is a whirlwind of my recent activity, carbs for the meal, and my plans after lunch. Any big change in activity level always drops me. Impromptu walks are hard, because the big jump in activity drops me quickly. 

But what is different about this weekend? Or weekends in general? Well, my anxiety and depression have been improving. A LOT. For reasons I can share in a later post, or have sometimes alluded to in previous ones. What happens when I’m genuinely happy? I’m more active. Running errands. Cleaning the house. Moving my body in ways I can’t do in the throes of depression. Basic necessities are so exhausting in that state. I would retreat to the couch for a break whenever I could. This weekend? I was up on my feet for a good portion of the time. 

Friday night I ran errands after work, picking up my new glasses. I enjoyed pizza and a movie with my husband at night. I did have a spike from the pizza, but it came down easily. Saturday, I was on my feet non-stop from the time I got up (6 am) till my crash around 1. Cleaning. Laundry. Playing with my daughter (She’s discovered horsey so I was having her ride around on my back). Up and down stairs. I was like the Energizer Bunny…. Until I crashed. 

(Treating Lows Between Mom Life Moments)

While lows are annoying, and scary at times, they’re a sign. Low blood sugars are my body’s way of making me slow down, being mindful of my needs, including insulin. They emphasize when I need to rest, honoring my body. The numbers will show me the way 💜


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