Sunday Gratitude

There are so many memes about Sunday’s and dreading the end of the weekend. The looming work week ahead. I would often share them in group chats, spreading the negative vibes bright and early Sunday morning. 

Lately, I’ve really been trying to be mindful of my thoughts. Instead of internalizing them as fact, I have started to question them more. When Debbie Downer Brain kicks in, I talk to her as something outside me. “Why do you start bitching so early? You have ALL of Sunday yet!”. 

So today, I'm trying to live in the moment. Taking it all in. And I made a list of things I’m grateful for at this very moment. To spread positivity and good vibes, I wanted to share it with you. 

Things I am Grateful For:

  1. Waking up to my daughter sing-screaming “MOMMY!” at the top of her lungs

  2. Having a delicious pancake breakfast with my family 

  3. Drinking coffee outside, taking in the morning  

  4. Washing our cars as a family- Toddler approved activity with a water table 

  5. Enjoying the sunshine all morning 

  6. Bubble machines and the smiles they induce 

  7. Our front porch oasis 

  8. Small wins around the house: laundry, meal prep

  9. Finding a new show to binge (Ginny and Georgia! It’s SO good. Think Gilmore Girls/Dawson’s Creek/The OC for today’s generation)

And that’s just off the top of my head. Instead of focusing on the “SHOULDS” of the weekend that I didn’t get done or the work day waiting for me tomorrow, I’m living in the now and loving every minute of it. 

How was your Sunday? Tell me what you’re grateful for in the comments 💜


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