Hot Chocolate.

Hot Chocolate. Sounds innocent enough right? Not for me. This cup of hot chocolate has a lot of brain power behind it:

“Hmmm. Lucy’s asleep? Nice winter day. I could go for Hot Chocolate. In the Mom Loft. Oh, we only have Regular hot chocolate? Do I Deserve said Regular hot chocolate? I’m Supposed to only have Diet hot chocolate (Not true! Food rule I am trying to overcome). But I WANT it. I deserve to enjoy my food irregardless of my diabetes, while making healthy decisions…..

Freezes in the anxiety of making a decision that impacts my life, in every way possible. 

**Checks Insulin Pump**

Oh shit. My sugar is starting to dip. How many carbs am I having? And I have insulin on board? Hmm. Should I bolus now or later? I guess I’ll wait.” 

On. And on. And on. 

I don’t share this to complain. I’m getting used to it. I can argue with my inner demons. Instead of cowering in their shadow. Frozen. Unable to make a choice. I don’t want a pity party.

But, I want people to understand what I’m sure others like myself are going through. Diabetes requires a lot of thought with every bite. Thinking about food like that all the time is EXHAUSTING. It can either turn you completely off to food. “Avoiding it is just easier” (Says the disordered eating brain). Or it fuels this weird OBSESSION with food. I must know every time I’ll be able to eat again. Snack “escape plans”. Check the menus before I go to the restaurant. PLAN. EVERY. BITE. 

It kind of sucks the joy out of food right?

So if your loved ones with diabetes look like they’re zoning out, we probably are. It’s because we are trying to decide if the second slice of pizza is “Worth It”. If your loved ones recovering from disordered eating look frozen in fear deciding what to order for takeout, we probably are. 

It’s no wonder individuals with diabetes are at a higher risk for mental health issues! Why don’t I see this talked about more? I love the T1D Community. I can message my friends from diabetes camp after YEARS without talking and it’s like I’m home again. I feel seen. But, I don’t see a lot of people talking about the darker sides of diabetes. Depression. Anxiety. Disordered Eating. Suicide. Yes… Suicide. Add a Pandemic on top of that?? Shit can get DARK.

So, if you can, walk a mile in our shoes the next time you decide what you want to eat. It’s just hot chocolate, right? 



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