
Showing posts from May, 2021

Sunday Gratitude

There are so many memes about Sunday’s and dreading the end of the weekend. The looming work week ahead. I would often share them in group chats, spreading the negative vibes bright and early Sunday morning.  Lately, I’ve really been trying to be mindful of my thoughts. Instead of internalizing them as fact, I have started to question them more. When Debbie Downer Brain kicks in, I talk to her as something outside me. “Why do you start bitching so early? You have ALL of Sunday yet!”.  So today, I'm trying to live in the moment. Taking it all in. And I made a list of things I’m grateful for at this very moment. To spread positivity and good vibes, I wanted to share it with you.  Things I am Grateful For: Waking up to my daughter sing-screaming “MOMMY!” at the top of her lungs Having a delicious pancake breakfast with my family  Drinking coffee outside, taking in the morning   Washing our cars as a family- Toddler approved activity with a water table  Enjoying the sunshine all mornin

Guest Post: Amy Lied from "Doggie Bags Not Diaper Bags"

In honor of Mother's Day this Sunday, I reached out to my friend Amy Lied to write a guest post on her experiences with the holiday through the lens of a mother who has struggled with infertility, miscarriage, and infant loss. You can read more about her journey at "Doggie Bags Not Diaper Bags" . My goal for this blog is to offer a safe space to write about our life experiences. If you would like to write a Guest Post for my Blog, please feel free to email me at Without further ado, Amy Lied: Growing up I remember celebrating Mother’s Day with my Mom; making little pieces of art for her in pre-school, buying her little “mom”- centric pieces of jewelry, spending the day with her getting nails done.  I remember imagining what it would be like for me when I had children; having similar moments like I did with my mother on her special day.  Then I struggled to conceive and Mother’s Day became a trigger for me.  Seeing all the happy family posts on