
Showing posts from April, 2023

Dear Young Type 1

A few weeks back, I started a very cool research study for those with type 1 diabetes, who also struggle with their body image. I initially came across it and did not qualify because I was over the age range they were looking for. But recently, I got an email about them expanding to 35 years old, so I JUST made the cut. I'm so thankful I did and I plan to write more about it in the future. Each week we are given homework assignments. After taking a break from blogging when my Grandma passed away , this has inspired me to get back to writing. For now, I wanted to share my homework from the first week. Writing is really cathartic for me, getting it all out on the page. We were asked to write a letter to a younger individual with type 1 diabetes who is struggling with their body image about the costs of pursuing the "thin ideal". Here is what I wrote: Dear Young Type One- I am so sorry you’re struggling with your body image, considering chasing the impossible dream of the “