
Showing posts from April, 2021

Technology Tango

I’ve been performing a bit of a dance with my phone as of late. A technology tango if you will. I’m excited about sharing my journey in the hopes of inspiring others. Advocating. Giving a voice to those who feel alone in this world. It’s been incredibly therapeutic saying things that have been trapped inside my mind for years, processing my experiences. Unfortunately in doing so, I went HARD since starting this blog and burned myself out.  I tend to overextend myself. When I’m feeling pretty good physically, mentally, and emotionally I run with it. When you live with chronic illness, both medically and psychologically, the good days are not guaranteed. They’re a happy surprise. It’s like the stars aligning, allowing me to get a taste of what it’s like for those without these conditions. I try to cross as many things off my to do/wish list as I can, not knowing when I’ll feel this good again. To the outside world, it looks erratic and inconsistent, but there is a method to the madness. 

The Good Death

**Trigger Warning (TW): Post About Death** A few years back, my Gramma fell. She had been living in an independent living facility and doing really well, but after that fateful fall it all went downhill. At that point I had been working in Long Term Care for a good portion of my career. I knew falls like hers were a kiss of death. The next 5 months she was in and out of the hospital. Each time she grew weaker, which led to her having to move into the assisted living portion of the facility between hospital stays. She prided herself on her independence, and I think it truly helped her live as long as she did. (94 years!!!!) But there she was, in that assisted living room at the end. I am so thankful for that room, because it is where I spent her last full day on earth.  During her last hospital stay, we knew it was close to the end. She had been seeing relatives who passed away long ago like her sisters and my Grampa. Each time she seemed comforted, like she knew she was going home to t

My Top 33 Anxiety Busters

My Top 33 Coping Mechanisms  When I’m Anxious: Listening to and singing along with folklore by Taylor swift Listening to Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours Album  and anything with Stevie Nick's Goddess-like voice  Listening to the Eclectic Mom Musings Playlist Listening to My Favorite Murder Podcast Eating comforting foods (I’m looking at you, Dairy Queen) Watching “Ask a Mortician” videos on YouTube Watching Parks and Recreation on a loop (Leslie Knope is my Spirit Animal!)  Grounding Techniques: I like this one! Meditating Doing a Yoga with Adrienne Video Napping  Sitting on my front porch, breathing in the fresh air Cuddling with my dog Jovie  Going for a walk Crying Stretching/Freestyle Yoga Laying in my reading nook and focusing on my breath Playing outside with my daughter 💗 Cuddling and watching The Nightmare Before Christmas with my daughter 💜 Family cuddles watching Bluey in Bed 💙 (and that theme song getting stuck in all our heads) Sipping on a cup of hot tea: I love the Tazo Pa