
Showing posts from November, 2022

Grieving Halloween

With the final hours of Halloween coming to an end, I sit in the Mom Loft  thinking about what Halloween means to me. Sure, I love spooky stuff, skulls  and witchy shit (cue Stevie Nicks), but Halloween is so much more to me. Some say Halloween is when the veil between our world and the next is at its thinnest, allowing us to connect with loved ones who have passed. Día de los Muertos is another holiday this time of year that revolves around connecting with our dearly departed. The way they build ofrendas for their deceased family is so beautiful to me. I do something similar in my home, displaying pictures of my ancestors on the wall. It makes me feel connected to the bigger picture.  This year, Halloween just hit differently. It was one of my Grandma B.’s favorite holidays. She would always dress up at work, with her quirky earrings and funny costumes. I ended up inheriting most of the earrings, and wore them proudly the last few weeks.  I miss my Grandma B. so very much, it hurts