
Showing posts from August, 2021

Zombie Jess

When I’m struggling with my anxiety or depression, tasks like cleaning are a BIG deal. The anxiety kicks in, and the task becomes overwhelming. I shut down and do the bare minimum, because it is all my brain can process in that moment. When depression rears its ugly head, it depletes me of my energy. I give what little I have left to the essentials: managing my diabetes, taking care of Lucy, and work, leaving barely any mental resources to handle the rest of life. I describe this dark shell of a human Zombie Jess. She’s the sick science experiment when you combine diabetes, disordered eating, and mental health struggles. Anxiety attack. Zombie Jess. Low blood sugar. Zombie Jess. Crushing self loathing. Zombie Jess. Postpartum depression. ZOMBIE JESS ON STEROIDS.  Pregnancy and postpartum life were not kind to me. Like A Series of Unfortunate Events, every step I took to become a mom dragged me deeper and deeper into the depths of depression. Down the rabbit hole. I stopped taking my